Two years ago, when my friend advised me to start blogging, I was not even familiar with this word. Somehow, the idea suited me so I chose the name, signed up for the Gmail account, built the theme of this blog and waited one year to launch “ChiTikTik ChiTi3a”.
This friend did not only give me the idea but he is the one responsible for the strategic development of the blog. I am always very grateful for his help and support.
For those of you who do not know what this blog name stands for, “ChiTikTik ChiTi3a” is a Lebanese expression a bit hard to explain or to spell. It means the collection of random things with no rules or scales.
Who I am?

Lebanon is my love, my dream and my passion. Even in the hardest day, I always end up finding a spot of hope. I promised myself years ago that I will never give up on this country and that is exactly what I am doing.
Humanity and injustice are two subjects that concern me. So Yes, I do care if a boy in Somalia is dying from famine while I am eating more than what I need!
I am also an addicted reader! You can always find me with a book in my bag or in my hand, my facebook profile is always crowded with the books I read or the ones I want to read. I am also a member of a bookclub, and believe me I am the most turbulent member :)
In addition to this, I appreciate all kinds of art. I like to watch movies, attend plays and concerts and listen to classical music. I am also a couch-surfer and a yoga lover.
ChiTikTik ChiTi3a is a Lebanese blog, and it is a collection of all the above. Here I share with you my thoughts and ideas, and with a very open heart, I am always willing to hear your side of each story.Oops, I forget to tell you that in my free time I work as a civil engineer: P
You can always find me on:
Facebook Instagram GoodReads Couchsurfing Google+
This friend did not only give me the idea but he is the one responsible for the strategic development of the blog. I am always very grateful for his help and support.
For those of you who do not know what this blog name stands for, “ChiTikTik ChiTi3a” is a Lebanese expression a bit hard to explain or to spell. It means the collection of random things with no rules or scales.
Who I am?

Lebanon is my love, my dream and my passion. Even in the hardest day, I always end up finding a spot of hope. I promised myself years ago that I will never give up on this country and that is exactly what I am doing.
Humanity and injustice are two subjects that concern me. So Yes, I do care if a boy in Somalia is dying from famine while I am eating more than what I need!
I am also an addicted reader! You can always find me with a book in my bag or in my hand, my facebook profile is always crowded with the books I read or the ones I want to read. I am also a member of a bookclub, and believe me I am the most turbulent member :)
In addition to this, I appreciate all kinds of art. I like to watch movies, attend plays and concerts and listen to classical music. I am also a couch-surfer and a yoga lover.
ChiTikTik ChiTi3a is a Lebanese blog, and it is a collection of all the above. Here I share with you my thoughts and ideas, and with a very open heart, I am always willing to hear your side of each story.Oops, I forget to tell you that in my free time I work as a civil engineer: P
You can always find me on:
Facebook Instagram GoodReads Couchsurfing Google+
Who is helping me?

Abir is my friend and my crime partner. She is a very smart, intellectual person and when she begins talking about the latest news, I feel very astonished and stupid.

I will tell you a secret: if you want to see her angry, discuss with her women’s rights: D
I met Pascale trough common friends and they all insisted that we will be friends because we are both addicted to reading.
She is a passionate person, a human right defender and a “Bouza” lover. She finished her PHD in Linguistic lately and she has a large worldwide experience: D

Moustafa is the perfect person to cheer you up. Everything related to him is full of happiness and love. In addition to studying medicine, Moustafa works, reads books, watches movies, takes photos and does not miss any event!
We share almost the same taste in books and movies and it is always a delight to pretend fighting with him.