Sunday, November 23, 2014

وأسمعهم يتكلمون عن داعش. عن سخطهم الشديد من منظمةً متطرفةً تقتل الناس، تدمر الاحلام وتعيدنا كما يقولون الي زمان الجاهلية...أسمعهم يتكلمون عن تخلف داعش ورجعيتها، ويعترضون على منظمةً تعامل النساء كالجواري، تبيعهم، تستبيح أجسادهن وتمشي فوقهن على طريق الجهاد. أسمعهم ولا أعرف ان كان يجب أن أضحك أو ان كان يجب أن أبكي! يريدون أن يخبروني الآن أنهم...

Posted on Sunday, November 23, 2014 by ChiTikTik

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Friday, November 14, 2014

Being an economics student it has been interesting explaining to my mother why I’m broke using supply/ demand charts and unemployment figures, and being a Lebanese citizen further complicated the situation with job attainment closely correlated to your connections (wasta). This has got me to think how is it that someone becomes rich in this country, the...

Posted on Friday, November 14, 2014 by ChiTikTik

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Monday, November 10, 2014

Original, brilliant and intense are the only words needed to describe Interstellar, one of the most anticipated movies of the year 2014 and having Christopher Nolan as a director and co-writer was an enough reason for that. This anticipation was met with an amazing movie that will surely satisfy every cinema lover: the curious scientific geeks,...

Posted on Monday, November 10, 2014 by ChiTikTik

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