Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Please subscribe to our blog to get our latest update ------->>>>> Not long ago, “Maya Diab” was a neutral name to the Lebanese society. I still remember the first time she appeared with her new look and back then I did not think even for once that she would become “that famous” and that despite her limited singing capacity she...

Posted on Wednesday, July 30, 2014 by ChiTikTik

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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Please subscribe to our blog to get our latest update ------->>>>> Nokia has officially announced its next president: Lebanese Ramzi Haidamous will officially take the lead of the company on September 3, 2014. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Ramzi Haidamous. Picture property of Nokia (adsbygoogle...

Posted on Tuesday, July 29, 2014 by ChiTikTik

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Friday, July 25, 2014

Please subscribe to our blog to get our latest update ------->>>>> Lebanon Parliament’s Committee for Public Works, Transportation, Energy and Water discussed a strategy to develop public transportation in an attempt to reduce traffic jams in Beirut and its suburbs. The plan aims to spread 250 buses and to build a railway connecting...

Posted on Friday, July 25, 2014 by ChiTikTik

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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Please subscribe to our blog to get our latest update ------->>>>> One of the hardest things to do is to convince your mom that blogging is not a waste of time. Every time she sees me sitting in front of my PC writing, she begins to complain. “Ray7i 3younik mama”(1), “eno chou tal3lik mn chitiktik”(2), or “law btnemilik chway mch...

Posted on Wednesday, July 23, 2014 by ChiTikTik

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

After being disqualified for some time by the FIBA, the national basketball team is suffering a new blow: the Lebanese Basketball Federation has officially withdrawn the team’s participation from the Jones Cup tournament that will take place in Taiwan from August 9 till August 17. According to...

Posted on Tuesday, July 22, 2014 by ChiTikTik

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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Please subscribe to our blog to get our latest update ------->>>>> "اضرب يا عباس" عبارةٌ أثارت الرأي العام اللبناني نهار السبت الفائت. في الفيديو الذي انتشر ليلة أمس على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعية، يظهر عباس ع. طفل السنتين وهو يقوم بضرب خالد ن. طفلٍ سوري الجنسية يبلغ من العمر تسعة سنوات. عباس الطفل الصغير يعنف خالد بناءً على تحريضاتٍ...

Posted on Sunday, July 20, 2014 by ChiTikTik

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Friday, July 18, 2014

Please subscribe to our blog to get our latest update ------->>>>> Dear Elissar,         I am writing this open letter to you and I would be very happy if you read it. Two days ago, you published an article in Al joumhourieh newspaper and for no specific reason it becomes the "talk of...

Posted on Friday, July 18, 2014 by ChiTikTik

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Please subscribe to our blog to get our latest update ------->>>>> لم تكن تعرف رولا ما الذي ينتظرها يوم طرق جاد منزل والديها... لم يكن عمرها قد تزاوج السادسة عشر وكانت عروساً برسم البيع. أخبروها أنه قدر أنوثتها أن تتربع على عرش منزل الزوجية، صّوروا لها حياتها الجديدة عالماً من السعادة، تكون فيه السلطانة الآمرة بشرطٍ وحيد،...

Posted on Wednesday, July 16, 2014 by ChiTikTik

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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Please subscribe to our blog to get our latest update ------->>>>> “When will you get married?” and “Why are you still single?” are two questions that I hear a lot nowadays from the neighbors, my big family and occasionally some of my friends. Of course, all of them are concerned about my future and my marital status (more than...

Posted on Tuesday, July 15, 2014 by ChiTikTik

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Monday, July 14, 2014

Please subscribe to our blog to get our latest update ------->>>>> لو...هي كلمة بنى بعضنا قصوره و هواجسه عليها...وبعضنا تلاحقه كلعنة أبدية أينما ذهب... ولبعضنا تحمل اشعاع اﻷمل بغد أفضل..."لو" كلمة تصلح كعنوان مسلسل، تشدك اليه وتشعرك بحشرية لمعرفة لماذا طرح السؤال...أثار مسلسل "لو" منذ بدء عرض الpromo قبل بدء شهر رمضان اهتمام المشاهد...

Posted on Monday, July 14, 2014 by ChiTikTik

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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Congratulations to Riyadi team 2004-2005 for wining the 2nd position in the Fermo Tournament and to Adan Orfali who won the MVP award. It is always nice to hear some good news in this hard time. ...

Posted on Sunday, July 13, 2014 by ChiTikTik

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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Once again, a religious leader uses his position to violate human rights and to profit from the unquestionable faith of his followers to enforce his position. "Women should not even consider academic study in any framework, because this is not the way of the Torah." Declared Rabbi Shalom Cohen, the new leader of the ultra-orthodox Jewish movement. Rabbi...

Posted on Saturday, July 12, 2014 by ChiTikTik

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